

You don't have to be a car buff to enjoy the television show "Top Gear". They just have a way of presenting things that gives it a bit of a twist in comparison to other television programmes.

Well, just recently, I've discovered the architectural equivalent of Top Gear: A TV-show called Dreamscapes. It has the same kind of quality - I can only imagine that people are just not that much into architecture would thoroughly enjoy this show. And at the same time architecture geeks would probably love the show, too. It was a simply irresistable combination of architectural freakshow and travel guide, hosted by David Adjaye, Justine Frischmann and Charlie Luxton.

However, the sad thing is that this BBC 3-programme only existed for the duration of one season of twelve episodes, some years ago. But just today, I came across a post on idents.tv, inluding download links to 11 of the 12 episodes.

Oh, and in case you wonder why the famous drawing of the "Walking City" by Archigram's Ron Herron is placed with this post? Just because I wanted a sexy architectural image - and there's a report about "The Beatles of Architecture" in episode 10...

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